I am refitting a MC500V Matsuura. Bought it a few years ago and so far have just made it fit in my garage.
I removed all the electronics[anyone want some original servo drives?] and intend on putting modern electronics on it. It is a 1985 machine and from the sizes of heatsinks on everything a lot of it's 15KVa was used to heat the workshop.
The original pendant has been filled with an up to date PC and a flat screen, though I have retained quiet a lot of the switches for manual overrides, spindle, toolchanger[have removed it and it's not a priority], coolant, lubrication and the mpg.
I am looking at granite devices drives, I would have bought them 18months ago but the pound dropped a lot and I had other things I could be getting on with. So I haven't touched it for over a year.
I wasn't convinced of a parallel ports abilty to control a servo so was looking at CNCbrain[hahahahahah] or Smoothstepper. I hadn't seen the Kflop before, looks a possibility.